live lightly


In principle, living lightly sounds easy: swap activities that harm for those that heal. Perhaps you already drive less, bike more. Buy less, share more. Maybe even skip meat, rustle up beans. Perhaps you telecommute, compost, and super-insulated that attic.

The good news is there are plenty of actions many of us are doing to live more lightly on the Earth.

But reducing our carbon footprint is also complicated. Most of us encounter aspects of life that resist simple solutions. What about traveling home to Texas after a college semester; heating a church, a home, a business; or even acquiring the basic provisions we need to survive? Many everyday activities cannot easily be set aside — but we can take steps to neutralize the impact of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

For those of us aiming to live a more just and ecologically balanced life, COREworks can help.


When you’re not able to lighten an impact but wish you could, that’s the time to consider securing an offset. Offsets balance out emissions from a polluting activity with new, emission-reducing activity elsewhere.

COREworks offsets do more than cancel an environmental debt, however. They are net-positive. They promote solutions. All emission-reducing projects listed on the COREworks marketplace also help build the world we want. They all include design elements that promote environmental literacy, strengthen communities, advance ecological justice, and more.

Keen to visit family in San Diego but concerned about flight emissions? Secure an offset from COREworks. Lighten your load while also creating earth-positive returns for Rockbridge County.