Earth Stewards

Live Wisely

Let’s keep this short and simple. If you are reading this, you understand that tending the green-blue planet is at the heart of it all. You are among the many of us who love bright skies, clean water, birdsong, fresh veggies, kids. Maybe even millipedes, and probably great blue herons, sunflowers, cherries, shade.

Earth stewards are regular people: we eat, play, work, rest, dream, love, breathe. We also possess ecological self-awareness. We see and feel and know that our actions impact the whole.

Seeing the whole comes with challenges: it can be a burden knowing our very living can set off tangled cycles of harm. At the same time, our eco-awareness offers energizing ways forward.

Since an action anywhere impacts life everywhere, we can jumpstart cycles of good right where we are.  That’s what earth wisdom brings us: connection, clarity of choice, and action.

Knowing our place in the whole is a uniquely human gift — and a calling. Today there’s great need for more of us to align our living with this wisdom.

Earth stewards come from all walks of life, but we share some things in common: we care for the planet that sustains us all, and we lead by example. COREworks enables more of us wherever we live to step up and make a difference. Let’s get started.

COREworks Builds Stewardship

When it comes to creating a thriving world, people are just as important as clean air, fresh water, healthy soils, and biodiversity. To meet the challenges ahead we need more people who understand that we’re all in this together and who act accordingly. That’s why COREworks pays just as much attention to the “who” as the “what” in every project. In fact, we conceived our entire enterprise as a means for bringing more of us into earth care conversations and action. By intentional design, all COREworks projects include strategies for strengthening our collective ability to understand and care for the Earth, our home.

Help build an inclusive stewardship culture in Rockbridge County. Support COREworks.