solar array

at boxerwood

project details

Project: Solar Array #1
Location: Boxerwood Nature Center & Woodland Garden, 963 Ross Road, Lexington, VA
Status: Actively operating since March 1, 2020
Project Period: 25 years

Total metric tons of anticipated carbon dioxide emissions (MTCO2eq) prevented: 94 tons
Value: $120 per metric ton
COREworks offsets available for allocation: 44

Note: Once all offsets are allocated, COREworks will remove this project from active inventory. The array itself will continue operating as planned.


This hillside array is a clean energy solution for a local non-profit otherwise unable to afford the switch. Prior to the installation, Boxerwood relied on non-renewable energy derived from burning fossil fuels. The 28-panel array provides all the renewable energy this organization requires. Boxerwood has a net-metering agreement with Dominion Energy, which provides credits for excess energy in summer months to offset lower production in winter months.

The array not only powers the Nature Center, but also serves as a teaching demonstration for the hundreds of school children and adults who visit Boxerwood each year. Signage is planned for the area to support this educational outreach.

In essence the array functions as its own mini-power plant. It is owned by the original financiers, a local couple, to whom Boxerwood makes utility payments each month. The financiers were motivated to make this investment knowing that all offsets generated by this project would be donated to COREworks, as means for generating capital for its next emission-reducing project.


1. The installation immediately increases the use of clean, renewable, energy in our community.

Operating the array is anticipated to prevent the release of 94 tons of carbon emissions during its project period. Without this intervention, Boxerwood would have continued to rely on non-renewable energy, resulting in damaging environmental impact.

2. Thousands of visitors to the Nature Center will have an opportunity to learn about clean, renewable energy and its benefits. They will also learn about COREworks and its climate-friendly innovations.


As is common with solar offsetting projects, carbon reductions are anticipated (and calculated) for a stated project period. This period extends into the future, and thus the array could be subject to unforeseen events such as environmental damage or breakdown.

To address these concerns, Boxerwood (the site host and purchaser of power) and the array owners have signed legal agreements that lay out intent to maintain solar operation throughout the length of the project. This intent includes managing the physical site and replacing parts after warranty periods as needed.


The solar array is projected to prevent 94 tons of carbon dioxide emissions during its 25-year lifespan. The equivalent in MTCO2eq prevented is thus available for personal allocation. To balance (neutralize) your own impact, make a ton-for-ton donation to COREworks equal in value to a solar generated offset at $120/ton.

This opportunity will continue until COREworks has fully allocated all 94 ton equivalencies. As always, we’ll direct 100% of your tax-deductible donation to the COREworks Fund, which in turn provides capital for launching the next emission-reducing project, thus perpetuating the good.


This project has met COREworks standards of integrity as assessed by both internal and external (community) reviews.

Review the approved Solar Array #1 application to COREworks ►

Review the COREworks Registry Confirmation ►